Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Going it alone

Never one to listen to idioms such as ‘don’t try to run before you can walk’ I have decided to launch my own craft-based business this autumn! 

My plans are very much in their infancy at the moment and I am sure that I will be asking for advice, help and generally panicking on this blog in future.  In the meantime I just wanted to point anyone else who was considering similar lunacy during a difficult economic climate to this website:  www.startacraftbusiness.co.uk

They have loads of really helpful information which is specifically targeted towards craft businesses.  Another really helpful website is Business Link, but the craft website is much more relevant to me.

I will be trying to juggle my online business with a full-time job in a Non-Departmental Government Body so can see my whole life will soon be dominated by yarn, needles and patterns!  I have discovered a real passion for crafts despite my own lack of ability and want to share this with everyone.

As the noted philosophers S Club 7 wisely said: ‘reach for the stars, climb every mountain higher, reach for the stars, follow your heart’s desire, reach for the stars, and when that rainbow's shining over you, that's when your dreams will all come true!

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