Friday, April 29, 2011

Love is in the air...

But every attempt I made to express my feelings ended up wonky and odd!  And yes I am talking about my knitting rather than today's big event!  

I did watch the Royal Wedding and I'm not ashamed to admit I shed a tear as they looked so beautiful and in love.  You've got to have a hard heart not to get warm and fuzzy feelings watching William's bashful little smiles at his stunning new bride.

Anyway, back to knitting, I was asked by someone on ravelry to make a 5 inch square to add to a blanket for a recently bereaved family.  The directions were simple, 5 inches, any pattern/design you want but there was a note that they would like to include hearts where possible and to use pinks, mauves, violets etc.  Never one to shy away from a challenge I decided to make up my own pattern including a heart. 

Four attempts later and I am no closer to achieving my goal.

Square number one - too big and when I tried to sew a heart onto it it looked like a 5 year old had been let loose with a blunt needle.

Square number two - too small and my first attempt at changing colour made the yarn all pinched and tight.

Square number three - somehow became a rectangle and the inset heart became long and squashed.

Square four - is slightly better but still no cigar!
Oh well, I'll keep trying...

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