Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A little bit of background...

Apparently Aquarians (such as yours truly) are the most creative of all the star signs, the symbol of the upturned water jug shows a constant stream of ideas and inspiration.

According to Chinese astrology I was born in the year of the Dog meaning that I enjoy creative outdoor pursuits.

Meyers Briggs has me down as 'Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging' which means I am artistic and creative but not very good at dealing with the minutae of detailed tasks.

And numerology says I am a 7 but with a soul urge of 3 meaning that I often scatter my attention and accomplish very little and am a non-stop talker.

All of this may go someway towards explaining the many fleeting fads I indulge in and my inability to commit to anything - although I'm not sure about the non-stop talking...*whistles innocently*

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