Thursday, December 2, 2010

Learning to crochet - a quick re-cap

Date:  Monday 31st May 2010
Place: My parents' living room

Five minutes after expressing an innocent interest in my Mum's current project I find myself well and truly tangled.  I have somehow managed to tie the yarn round a crochet hook, my finger, the zip on my top and the cat's tail.  I can't even make a foundation chain without creating huge knots and for some reason am struck with the giggles and can no longer see what I'm supposed to be doing.  My mum recounts the time she tried to teach me to knit when I was about 7 years old.  Twenty years on and I have not made much progress.

Date: Tuesday 1st June 2010
Place: A park in Bath

After recounting last night's escapades with crochet I now find myself sat on a park bench having just purchased some bright green yarn and my very first crochet hook (4.5mm).  

My mentor is showing me (for the fifth time) how to make a foundation chain and I seem to have the hang of it.  Whilst showing me how to do doubles and trebles she is also watching her 18 month old son chase pigeons, jump in puddles and scream with frustration as he is teething.  She periodically springs into action to stop him dashing out of the park, lift him up to look over a wall and on one occasion to breastfeed him but she always comes back to our bench to offer me encouragement.  She has the patience of Job.  Her son is slightly less impressed with my efforts but I decide not to take it personally.  He is not the only one close to tears by the end of the day but I am determined not to be beaten.   

Link to my lovely teacher's facebook page:  Crochet by Mai

I proudly take home my masterpiece to show my Mum.

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