Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tapestry is not my friend

For my birthday treat in January I went to London to see the Grayson Perry exhibition at the British Museum and it was brilliant.  His work is so witty and insightful, it's difficult to highlight a favourite piece but I really liked 'You Are Here' - you couldn't take photos in the gallery but I found this on the Guardian website so borrowed it to give you a rough idea.  You really need to see his work to properly appreciate it. 

I've been wanting to learn to sew and embroider for months now but not found any kits that I liked.  I didn't want to cross-stitch Disney characters or cutesy little animals so when I saw the tapestry kit in the British Museum gift-shop I leapt at the opportunity.  The kit is a sew-your-own Alan Measles and while I think the finished article will be really cool I have learnt that tapestry is not my friend.  I don't have the patience (or eye-sight apparently) to do small scale, fiddly things.  I hate following patterns at the best of time so have now gone off-piste and while I'm sticking to the colours I'm pretty much doing my own thing in order to produce my own unique version!  This is my progress so far, the grand sum of about 20 hours work I think...